Page Geometry 101

An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.


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Input document

An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.

Render command

sile -o page-geometry-sile.pdf page-geometry-sile.sil


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Input document

#set page(
  paper: "a7",
  margin: 1cm,
#set par(
  first-line-indent: 1cm,
  justify: true,
// Note the manual glue node here is a hack around first
// paragraph in block not respecting first-line-indent:
#h(1cm)An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.

Render command

typst compile page-geometry-typst.typ page-geometry-typst.pdf


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Input document

An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.

Render command

xelatex -interaction=batchmode -halt-on-error -jobname data/page-geometry-xelatex page-geometry-xelatex.tex


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Input document

.nr HM 1cm
.nr PO 1cm
.nr LL 5.4cm
.nr PI 1cm
An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.

Render command

groff -ms -P-pA7 -T pdf > page-geometry-groff.pdf


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Input document

		@page {
			size: A7;
			/* Work around a bug in paged.js, if bleed is not specified the
			   paper size doesn't fully take effect: */
			bleed: 0;
			margin: 1cm;
		p {
			text-indent: 1cm;
			text-align: justify;
		An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.

Render command

pagedjs-cli -i page-geometry-pagedjs.html -o page-geometry-pagedjs.pdf