An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.
\begin[papersize=a7]{document} \nofolios \begin[first-content-frame=content]{pagetemplate} \frame[id=content,left=1cm,right=right(page)-1cm,top=1cm,bottom=bottom(page)-1cm] \end{pagetemplate} \set[parameter=document.parindent,value=1cm] An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation. \end{document}
sile -o page-geometry-sile.pdf page-geometry-sile.sil
#set page( paper: "a7", margin: 1cm, ) #set par( first-line-indent: 1cm, justify: true, ) // Note the manual glue node here is a hack around first // paragraph in block not respecting first-line-indent: // #h(1cm)An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation.
typst compile page-geometry-typst.typ page-geometry-typst.pdf
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[paperheight=105mm,paperwidth=74mm,margin=1cm]{geometry} \pagenumbering{gobble} \usepackage{indentfirst} \setlength{\parindent}{1cm} \begin{document} An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation. \end{document}
xelatex -interaction=batchmode -halt-on-error -jobname data/page-geometry-xelatex page-geometry-xelatex.tex
<html> <head> <style> @page { size: A7; /* Work around a bug in paged.js, if bleed is not specified the paper size doesn't fully take effect: */ bleed: 0; margin: 1cm; } p { text-indent: 1cm; text-align: justify; } </style> </head> <p> An A7 page with 1cm margins and 1cm paragraph indentation. </p> </html>
pagedjs-cli -i page-geometry-pagedjs.html -o page-geometry-pagedjs.pdf